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Wedding Buzz Blog

Culture Club: Mexico-Mexican Wedding Traditions

Weddings are a big deal in all cultures. Every culture recognizes the importance of two people coming together and pledging to love each other in good times and bad, in sickness and health, to death parts them. The only constant in global cultures is that weddings involve the two people getting married. Beyond that, there are countless cultural differences, rituals, and traditions that together weave a richly embellished wedding story. In a new series, called Culture Club, we’ll look at other cultures around the world and dive into some of their wedding traditions and rituals. Our inaugural installment features a culture that is close to home for many Americans: Mexico. First and foremost, the religious wedding ceremony is of the utmost importance to most Mexican couples. As most couples in Mexico are Catholic, many of the wedding traditions we’ll ...
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Marry and Bright: Ideas for Christmas Proposals

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I have loved it ever since I was a little girl. And now, as an adult, and mother, the holiday has found an even deeper meaning. The magic, the mystical joy, and the romance of it all just makes my heart skip a beat or two. You surely can imagine my excitement that Christmas is just around the corner. So if you’re planning on making your significant other’s heart skip a beat by asking for their hand in marriage, check out some of these fun ideas for making a memorable Christmas proposal.  One of the prized Christmas activities at my house was the advent calendar. My brother and I used to fight over who got to move the little stuffed mouse from pocket to pocket. I, being three years older (and therefore far more brilliant), said we could alternate. My brother would move the mouse on odd days and I would do the even ...
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6 Ways to Make Your Winter Wedding the Best Day Ever

When we think of weddings, we often envision spring flowers, summer temperatures, and sunset scenes. Bouquets of roses, tulips, and lilies accompanied by bright colored dresses are both popular and traditional. While we love spring and summer weddings, there is something so unique and beautiful about having a wedding in the colder months of the year.  Winter may not be the first season that comes to mind when planning a wedding. However, winter weddings illuminate a sense of elegance, grace, and sophistication that truly cannot be conveyed in spring or summer weddings. There are layers of details that you can include to make your winter wedding the best day ever.  Worried it may be too cold? Don’t be! There are many things you can do to warm up your special day, both inside and out. If you love the winter months and smile at the thought of a cozy, snowcapped ...
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The In-Crowd: Today's Most Popular Engagement Ring Styles

If you’re like me, you had the fortuitous opportunity to work at a jewelry store at some point in your life. In college, I worked at Andre’s Fine Jewelers. During my time there, I got to spend hours poring over brilliantly designed works of art. I accumulated a vast array of knowledge during my tenure. And I put it to good use: I devoted many hours to designing my own engagement ring. Well, I sat in the back and told the owner/designer what I wanted and he made it happen. What resulted is something that can only be described as perfection. If I had to break it down and categorize the style, I would say it’s a three-stone ring. I have a bezel set oval diamond flanked by bezel set princess cut diamonds. For more info on diamond settings, check out this blog. Without the benefit of a jewelry education learned in the industry trenches, it can be a ...
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Showering Your Bridesmaids With Jewelry

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride? Please God no. Some women love being a bridesmaid. They love fussing over the bride, the planning of parties (I actually love planning, but only when I don’t have a bridezilla breathing down my neck, you know?), and the fluffing of veils. Sadly for my friends, I was not cut from that cloth. But for the ladies that are, it is a grueling job not for the faint of heart. That’s precisely why it is tradition for a bride to give her bridesmaids a gift for their contributions to the bride’s special day.  See, it wasn’t always the norm for bridesmaids to be given gifts. It used to be that the bride’s family used the wedding as a way to extravagantly display their wealth. The more bridesmaids you had, the wealthier people knew you were. Unlike today, when bridesmaids shoulder much of their own financial ...
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Forever and Ever: the Eternity Band

On the day we were wed, my husband and I promised to love each other, for better or worse, as long as we both shall live. As the months and years have passed, the timeline of our marriage has become more fluid. The number isn’t as important as the feeling. Our love has everyday continued to evolve and deepen (just like my crow’s feet and smile lines, amiright ladies? I choose to think of this as evidence of a life well laughed and loved). Our ten year wedding anniversary is in just ten months. I’ve told my husband that I want an eternity band: rose gold, single prong set. Yes, it’s true, I’m specific. But he needn’t worry; the custom designers at Andre’s Fine Jewelers (Brighton, MI 810-225-1414) will see to it that my specifications are met, and my expectations exceeded. When I said I wanted an eternity band, the look on ...
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Unique and Beautiful Wide Wedding Bands for Her

If you’ve already started looking for wedding bands, you know there is an abundance of options. One of our favorite styles is the wide wedding band. Brides fall in love with this style of wedding ring because of the statement it makes on their hand. To us, a wide wedding ring is anything wider than 8mm. These rings have more material and can either make a bold statement with an intricate design or speak to the purity of love with a smooth finish. Wide wedding bands are available in a variety of styles - contemporary, extravagant diamond bands, and even plain bands. We’ve compiled some of our favorite designs to showcase the beauty of a wide band. 5 Reasons Why We Love Wide Wedding Bands: They look fantastic on someone who has long fingers or prefers long nails. These bands look wonderful on both slim and wide fingers! These rings draw attention to ...
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Wicked Weddings: Jewelry Ideas for a Spooky Halloween Wedding

Alright boys and ghouls, it’s that time of year again: pumpkins, ghosts, and my three hopped-up-on-candy goblins clamoring for my attention. Halloween is nearly upon us! I cannot help myself. This is my second favorite time of year (right after Christmas). Autumn has always been my favorite season and to have one of my favorite holidays fall (pun intended) smack dab in the middle? Well, it’s a match made in my own private little heaven. The only thing I don’t love about this season is pumpkin spice anything. I got married in mid-August, with the stunning vibrancy of summer’s lush foliage creating the perfect backdrop for our nuptials. There were three weddings that year in my husband’s family (ours included), all within six weeks of each other. Due to scheduling conflicts with all those jubilant celebrations, we didn’t have the ...
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Style Spotlight: Religious Symbols

One of the most important things to a lot of people is their faith. Having faith in something bigger, something greater, and something more benevolent than us gives lots of people hope and joy. It is comforting to know there is always someone in your corner, always someone you can go to when it feels like your world is crashing down. These same feelings can be applied to my heavenly Father and here on Earth, to my husband. My faith in God is tantamount to my life and my husband shares that commitment. We are not the only couple whose faith takes the front seat in their marriage. For the couple who wants to boldly proclaim their faith on their finger, Timeless Wedding Bands has a lot of options for you. One of the most beautiful things about these rings is that they are unisex. Most of the rings come in differing widths, to fit the proportions of a man’s or ...
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Jewelry and Style Icon: Elizabeth Taylor

I have been agonizing over the right way to start this blog. The introduction should be witty, smart, and overflowing with elegance. It should be worthy of the lady whose immense jewelry collection and unparalleled sophistication in style inspired this blog. Sadly, I am too much of a geek for that. I find myself overwhelmed and out of my league. So, without further ado, let’s get started: I love Elizabeth Taylor. She is an icon. When it comes to jewelry, she is without an equal. Her collection is widely regarded as the finest personal collection of jewelry in the world. Her collection is in fact so impressive that she wrote a book called “My Love Affair With Jewelry.” This volume showcases some of her most beautiful, unique, and treasured pieces, along with anecdotes for each one. It is my great joy to share a few of my favorites from Liz’s ...
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