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Marry and Bright: Ideas for Christmas Proposals

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I have loved it ever since I was a little girl. And now, as an adult, and mother, the holiday has found an even deeper meaning. The magic, the mystical joy, and the romance of it all just makes my heart skip a beat or two. You surely can imagine my excitement that Christmas is just around the corner. So if you’re planning on making your significant other’s heart skip a beat by asking for their hand in marriage, check out some of these fun ideas for making a memorable Christmas proposal.

 One of the prized Christmas activities at my house was the advent calendar. My brother and I used to fight over who got to move the little stuffed mouse from pocket to pocket. I, being three years older (and therefore far more brilliant), said we could alternate. My brother would move the mouse on odd days and I would do the even days. I knew full well that this would mean I moved the mouse onto Christmas Eve, the most prized of all advent calendar days. The advent calendar is the perfect vehicle to deliver a proposal. The anticipation can be built all month long, final culminating in an exciting Christmas Eve proposal.

 Instead of moving a stuff mouse through pockets, try out some more modern advent calendars. We have one that we use with our kids that has little boxes for each that you pull out. Inside these little boxes, we put candies, dollar coins, or small toys. Although cute as can be, this is not exactly age-appropriate for two people who are about to be engaged. But, for each day of advent, write your soon-to-be fiancé a short letter. Maybe every day you write to them about something you love about them. Or better yet, every day, tell them the story of you. Start with the beginning of your relationship. Hit the good milestones. Hit the times that helped you grow as a couple. And finally, on the 24th, don’t end the story. Just have it be the “happily ever after.”

 Another choice is anything to do with the Christmas tree. There are so many options here. My personal favorite though is the proposal-during-the-decorating-of-the-tree. We have some serious traditions about the decorating of the tree. We watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation and put the tree up. It’s a cozy time that my husband and I (mostly me, honestly) reminisce about all the memories the ornaments conjure up in our minds. We ooh and ahh over our “baby’s first” ornaments, the “our first Christmas” ornaments, plus all the ones from our childhoods. What a special time (and special memory!) to propose while you’re decorating the tree. Start off by handing your significant other some ornaments. After they’ve done a few and you feel like the time is right, slip in the ring box (which you can dress up to look like an ornament). Or hang the ring on an existing ornament. They will recognize that something is different, whether that is an ornament they don’t recognize or a new piece on an old ornament.

 Another idea is to incorporate the ring into other gifts. I know engagement rings are an enormous expense, but please, please, please, get her a little something else too. It can aid in your proposal. A pair of gloves, a couple new bottles of nail polish from her favorite brand, or a jewelry cleaning kit all are excellent ways to focus on her hands. Then you can put the ring in the gloves, so that she feels it when she tries them on; you can put the ring around the neck of a nail polish bottle; etc. Clever, no?

 Last but not least, enlist her family, friends, and traditions (assuming she’d appreciate that type of public proposal; it’s not for everyone. Know your audience). For example, my mom is one of eight kids. So our extended family Christmas celebration is bursting at the seams. We are loud, fun, and talkative. But we all stop talking at the end of the evening when we gather ‘round the piano and sing Christmas carols (I know it seems Norman Rockwell-ish, but seriously, this is what we do). If I played the piano, this would have been a golden opportunity for my husband to slip that ring under the key cover and wait ever so patiently for the sing-along portion of the evening. If that’s not your girl, no problem. Just think back to her family, friends, and traditions. Enlist them to help you if necessary. You will have no problem crafting the perfect proposal.

 Getting engaged is one of the most memorable experiences in someone’s life. With a little ingenuity, planning, and careful thought, you can earn yourself a place in the Christmas proposal hall of fame.

 Jingle All the Way,



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