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Wedding Buzz Blog

Wedding Band Enraving | Simple Wedding Band

You want your wedding ring to be spectacular, you want it to be stunning. Most of all, you want your wedding ring to be completely and uniquely yours. Engraving your ring is the most sentimental way of guaranteeing that there will not be any other ring like yours anywhere. Timeless Wedding Bands offers many engraving options, making it easy to get exactly the look you want. Now all that is left to do is decide what you want to have engraved on your wedding band. Use these suggestions to awaken your creativity and get you thinking in the right direction. Engraved Wedding Band Ideas Names or Initials - This is one of the most popular engravings for wedding rings. A cute idea is to engrave her name in his ring, and vice versa. Another fun idea is to combine the names or initials in an expression of love, “Sally loves Jason” or “S.D. + J.R. = ...
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Celtic Wedding Vows | Unique Celtic Wedding Rings

According to tradition, Celtic people were fiercely proud and loyal. They were known to love deeply, and keep their promises forever. They also believed in equality in a marriage, and that both the man and woman should retain their identity and ideals. These Celtic wedding vows and blessings reflect those principles. Whether you are of Celtic descent, or just appreciate the culture, these vows and blessings are a wonderful addition to a wedding ceremony. Celtic Wedding Vows You cannot possess me for I belong to myself  But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give. You cannot command me, for I am a free person, but I shall serve you in those ways you require, and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand. I pledge that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night, and the eyes into which I smile in the morning. I pledge to ...
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Wedding Ring for Your Lifestyle | Wedding Rings

Choosing a wedding ring is one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make. The ring you choose will be with you forever, and will be worn every day. This guide contains helpful tips for selecting a wedding ring that you will love to live with. Consider Your Lifestyle Most people wear their wedding rings all the time. It is important to have a ring that stays comfortable, and will look great no matter what you are doing. Consider these three major points when deciding on a wedding ring to buy. 1. Your Job Do you work in an office where some nice bling will be appreciated, or do you work with children who could get scratched by that breathtaking stone? Do you work with your hands a lot? Do you have a job where your hands will get dirty, filling the crevices of the gorgeous filigree? 2. Your Hobbies Your activity level and hobbies play an ...
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Celtic Rings For Men | Unique Celtic Wedding Rings

Many Celtic wedding traditions have been adapted over time. Ancient Celtic weddings were very different to the weddings we see today. These ancient weddings were often held outside, preferably in the forest. The bride would wear a brightly colored dress and a wreath of flowers in her hair. The bride and groom would have their hands bound together with a cord or cloth to symbolize the binding of their hearts and lives while the wedding guests stood in a circle around them, wishing them well. Perhaps the most notable detail of these early celebrations was the fact that every person at the wedding, including the bride and groom, were barefoot. Later in history, as the Roman Catholic Church grew in influence over the Gaelic countries, weddings were moved indoors and overseen by an official of the church. Though people began wearing shoes to the wedding during this ...
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Contemporary Wedding Songs | Wedding Bands

2015 promises to be an amazing year for weddings, and there is a great range of music suitable for using as contemporary wedding songs available. Many couples are looking for out of the way venues and creative ways to express their love. Some of the biggest trends that are developing this year are large ranch-style weddings with a huge focus on good food, fun and laughter. We are also seeing a lot more night-time weddings for couples that like to stay out late and celebrate their love under the stars. The one thing all these weddings will have in common is great music. The contemporary wedding songs of 2015 consist of mostly fun, upbeat songs with a few classics, and a few soft and romantic tunes thrown in. This list is split up into categories to help you visualize how your ceremony could come together around these songs. Processional Songs These songs were made ...
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How to Determine Your Ring Size | Wedding Bands | Timeless Wedding Bands

When ordering a ring online it is important to determine the ring size in advance so that it is sure to be a good fit. Luckily, it is very easy to measure your own finger at home to find an approximate ring size. The following tips will help you get a good idea of the ring size you should be looking for. Please note that rings with a pattern that continues all the way around the band are almost impossible to re­size, so please check the required size using our complementary ring sizer before ordering if you have any doubt regarding the size. Before You Measure to Find Your Ring Size The width of your finger will change depending on your body temperature and overall condition. Follow these tips to increase the accuracy of your ring measurement. Measure your ring finger at the end of the day. Do not measure when you are too hot or too cold. Pregnancy, as well ...
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Write Wedding Vows | 10 Year Anniversary Rings

The vows that are said during a wedding ceremony should be heartfelt and personal to the couple speaking them. These words should be chosen carefully because they are about to become an eternal promise to the love of your life. The good news is that it is easy to write original, traditional sounding vows for your love. This post will help you get past the nervous block and write vows worthy of your special someone. Step 1: Decide what you want to say and who you are saying it to. Answering these simple questions will help you get your heart and mind in the right place: What do you love most about your future spouse? What is the most important thing you want to promise? How does this person compare to the partner you dreamed of when you were little? What, if anything, will change about your life and relationship after you get married? What are your most ...
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Wear Wedding Rings On Left Hand | Wedding Bands For Women

Wedding rings are the universal symbol of a heart that is taken. Married couples exchange rings and wear them proudly to show the world that they are committed to only one person. Though different cultures may have other traditions, most western cultures wear wedding bands on the 4 finger of the left hand, the ring finger. Over the years, many different traditions have existed to explain the exchanging and wearing of rings. Right now, the simplest explanation behind wearing a wedding ring on the left ring finger is that it is expected. This has been the generally accepted way so long that people naturally look for the ring on that particular finger to get an immediate reading of a person’s romantic availability status. A ring means they are committed, or taken. No ring means they are open to romantic gestures, in theory anyway. There are several popular ...
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